PJL Software is a software company dedicated to building products that will improve people's lives. PJL believes that a little bit of quality software can be leveraged to make a significant impact on the world. Our products start simple, aiming to make small but tangible improvements in a given domain. From there, PJL utilizes direct customer feedback to make continuous incremental improvements that make customers better off today than they were yesterday.
PJL Software was founded by Peter Linnehan in 2018. As a former technology consultant and current engineer, Peter was searching for an outlet to bring his ideas to market. This search eventually led to the formation of PJL Software, which embodies his vision of simple software that makes a difference.
In 2011, Peter earned a B.S.E. degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan Engineering School and a minor in Economics from the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
In 2014, Peter graduated from the University of Maryland Clark School of Engineering with a Master of Science in Systems Engineering with a focus on Operations Research.